Affiliate Marketing: the ally for entrepreneurs

When beginning a project the top priority is to watch over the budget. This revolutionary marketing method guarantees a 100% rentable inversion.

The affiliation system is a marketing strategy that´s orientated to results. The client or advertiser will only pay a commission once he receives the confirmation of a conversion. This means that he´ll only pay for those actions that represent a benefit to him. The main job of an affiliate network is to operate as a nexus between the clients that are willing to sell their services and the affiliates that are in the search of new advertising content for their sites. The priority in this marketing method is to guarantee a rentable process for all the parties involved; the client will make a directly proportional investment to their earnings and the affiliates will get to choose, free of charge, appealing programs for their traffic. 

The participation of a company within an affiliate network carries important benefits. One of them is the brand positioning, generated by the affiliates that promote the products. The disclosure of advertiser´s services and products, besides the sales, is one of the mayor benefits the client will achieve by working within an affiliate network. Publicizing a product or service in the traditional way implies a superior and incomparable monetary investment to the one required in affiliate marketing. Inside that publicity model, the products and services are replicated by thousands of publishers that are searching, besides generating conversions, for quality content for their followers. This means that affiliates are not only trying to generate sales, they also want to guarantee their followers the possibility of entering a site that offers different options and content. So, by working within an affiliate network, besides the sales, the product will get a longer reach as well as a better positioning.

Also, through this sales system certain customer loyalty is developed. Affiliates tend to recommend products or services that they´ve already tested or at least, products in which they trust. The affiliate’s followers acquire those products with the guarantee of their recommendations. Accessing certain public tends to be easier if one of their referents, in whom they trust, has already talked to them about that product.

Affiliate systems provide the technology and support needed to facilitate the experience of customers and affiliates. Both parties have the possibility of checking their profits and keeping track of their activities. This marketing method enables advertisers to generate profits without the need for promoting their products or captivating their customers; they can delegate that job on the affiliate network and yet, be aware of their brand´s earnings.

Affiliate marketing is the ally of all businesses, especially of those who are starting out, as it not only guarantees an investment without risk but also the possibility of a totally free brand positioning.